Development of Content Security Policy Detection and Reporting Web Application
Attacks detection and prevention is becoming progressively challenging, in Web Application. The Web Applications requisite attack detection interface that can check about the services, analyzed obviate studies, and perform real time monitoring to secure the web applications. There are esteemed threats use for data hack and website defacement such as XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), XSRF (Cross-Ste Request Forgery), XEE (XML External Entity), Code Injections, DOS(Denial of Services) etc. The number of XSS has been increasing with high intensity, so it is compulsory to develop solutions that can detect and report attacks as well as analyze for prevention of modern web applications. Based on this situation this paper proposed a method which is Content Security Policy for detection and reporting vulnerable web applications. Content Security Policy also prevents the exploitation of cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
Web Application Security, Content Security Policy, Features/Permission Policy
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