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Metric Study of Anterior Fontanelle in Foetal Skulls

1 Azeezia Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Diamond Hills, Meeyannoor post, Kollam Dist, Kerala State, India
2 Department of Anatomy, Azeezia Medical College, Meeyyannoor, Kollam dist, Kerala State, India
3 Department of Anatomy, Amrita Institute of Medical Science And RC, Kochi, Earnakulam, Kerala, India

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Larger regions of connective tissue in developing skull where multiple sutures meet are called Fontanelles. In total, there are six fontanelles. As growth and ossification progress, the connective tissue of the fontanelle is invaded and replaced by bone. 50 foetal skulls obtained from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AIMS, Kochi, was studied in detail in the present study. The skulls were studied to note any gross abnormalities, and measurements of the anterior fontanelle were recorded, tabulated and its relation to gestational age was studied


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  • Metric Study of Anterior Fontanelle in Foetal Skulls

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K. Saniya
Azeezia Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Diamond Hills, Meeyannoor post, Kollam Dist, Kerala State, India
K. G. Prakash
Azeezia Institute of Medical Sciences & Research Diamond Hills, Meeyannoor post, Kollam Dist, Kerala State, India
K. Krishnamma
Department of Anatomy, Azeezia Medical College, Meeyyannoor, Kollam dist, Kerala State, India
Asha J. Mathew
Department of Anatomy, Amrita Institute of Medical Science And RC, Kochi, Earnakulam, Kerala, India


Larger regions of connective tissue in developing skull where multiple sutures meet are called Fontanelles. In total, there are six fontanelles. As growth and ossification progress, the connective tissue of the fontanelle is invaded and replaced by bone. 50 foetal skulls obtained from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, AIMS, Kochi, was studied in detail in the present study. The skulls were studied to note any gross abnormalities, and measurements of the anterior fontanelle were recorded, tabulated and its relation to gestational age was studied

