On Demand Allocation of Memory and Virtual CPUs in KVM
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Virtualization is an emerging topic in today's world. Virtualization changes the way of thinking about IT infrastructure. Virtualization allows doing computing on virtual machine rather than physical one to save time and money. The most and relevant topic in virtualization is virtual operating system. There are different techniques to achieve virtualization of operating system. One of them is kernel based virtual machine i.e. KVM. KVM is a loadable Linux kernel module. It converts the Linux kernel into Hypervisor which is capable of creating virtual machine, and maintaining the virtual machine to run different types of virtual operating system. KVM uses all the features of Linux kernel to handle virtual machines. KVM uses hardware assisted virtualization from Intel and AMD. KVM uses a QUME module for emulation of Input/output devices. The virtual machine runs in user address space. KVM consider the virtual machine as a normal Linux process. Our proposed system tries to do two normal implementation changes in KVM memory management and allocation of virtual CPUs. The proposed system includes 1) allocate secondary memory to virtual machines at runtime as required. 2) Allocation of virtual CPUs at runtime on basic of result from algorithm. And add symmetric multiprocessing in virtual machines. This will speed up the working of guest operating system inside virtual environment.
Operating System, CPU Scheduling, Process Control Block, Multiprocessing.
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