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Objectives: Afghan refugees are the oldest and the largest refugee group present in India, wherein they face many challenges, as there is no refugee policy to support them. The present study attempts to look at the Post Migration Living Difficulties faced by the Afghan refugee families in India and the coping mechanisms used by them.

Research Methods: 20 Ethnic Afghan refugee families were interviewed for the purpose of this study, using snowball-sampling method. An interview schedule was used to and the collected data was both quantitatively and qualitatively analyzed.

Findings: The findings show a significant change in the socio-economic conditions status of Afghan Refugees post migration. There is a rise in the number of young people working in the interviewed Afghan families, however, due to lack of work permit most of them end up working in the informal sector leading to a significant decline in the family income. All these factors make unemployment and lack of money to buy items of necessity, the biggest Post Migration Living Difficulties faced by them.

Conclusions/Recommendations: The study concludes that Afghan refugees flee from their country to start a better life in India but besides basic protection to life, India does not ascertain anything for them. They face many challenges and have an uncertain future here. Awareness regarding their situation and significant steps for their inclusion are required to enable these families lead a better life in India.


Refugees, Socio-Economic Conditions, Post Migration Living Difficulties.