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Relationship between Self-esteem and Social Skills in High School Boy Students

1 PhD student of psychology in Yerevan State University, Armenia, India

Self-esteem contains all areas of human's life, whether directly or indirectly. In fact, mainly the ischolar_mains of psychic and personal disorders, unstable romantic or social interactions, education or occupation failures as well as some of the sexual problems are in the low self-esteem or related to it. Therefore, the research aims to determine relationship between self-esteem and social skills in the high school boy students of Bojnurd in 2011. For doing so, the researcher has chosen correlation of 219 boy students by multi-stage accidental sampling among all high school boys of Bojnord. The data, including sociological information, Cooper Smite's Questionnaire, InderBitzan and Foster's Social Skills Questionnaire, were executed by statistical analysis of data by use of descriptive statistic and Pierson's correlation coefficientin Spss-15. The research came to the conclusion that mean and deviation of scale was 35/08±8/2 and majority of 204 students (70/1%) had a high social skill. Also, there was a negative significant relation between social negative behaviors and self-esteemand there was a direct significant relation between social positive behaviors and self-esteem. On the whole, the high self-esteem decreases social negative behavior and increases social positive behavior and the low self-esteem increases social negative behavior and decreases social positive behavior.


Students, Social Skills, Self-esteem

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  • Relationship between Self-esteem and Social Skills in High School Boy Students

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Seyed Hossein Mirzaei
PhD student of psychology in Yerevan State University, Armenia, India


Self-esteem contains all areas of human's life, whether directly or indirectly. In fact, mainly the ischolar_mains of psychic and personal disorders, unstable romantic or social interactions, education or occupation failures as well as some of the sexual problems are in the low self-esteem or related to it. Therefore, the research aims to determine relationship between self-esteem and social skills in the high school boy students of Bojnurd in 2011. For doing so, the researcher has chosen correlation of 219 boy students by multi-stage accidental sampling among all high school boys of Bojnord. The data, including sociological information, Cooper Smite's Questionnaire, InderBitzan and Foster's Social Skills Questionnaire, were executed by statistical analysis of data by use of descriptive statistic and Pierson's correlation coefficientin Spss-15. The research came to the conclusion that mean and deviation of scale was 35/08±8/2 and majority of 204 students (70/1%) had a high social skill. Also, there was a negative significant relation between social negative behaviors and self-esteemand there was a direct significant relation between social positive behaviors and self-esteem. On the whole, the high self-esteem decreases social negative behavior and increases social positive behavior and the low self-esteem increases social negative behavior and decreases social positive behavior.


Students, Social Skills, Self-esteem
