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A Comparison of Self Perception of Children with Non-verbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) and Verbal Learning Disabilities (VLD)

1 Department of Psychology, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran, Islamic Republic of
2 Department of Psychology, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran, Islamic Republic of

The main purpose of this study was to compare self perception of children with non verbal learning disabilities (NLD) and those with verbal learning disabilities (VLD) .The sample of study was selected from a group of students referred to the Learning Disability Center in Shiraz. Two different groups of students with NLD and VLD were selected based on their scores on the Pupil Rating Scale: Screening for learning disabilities (Mykelbust, 1971) and the verbal - performance IQ difference on the (WISC-R). Sixty four students 6 to 11 years old were selected, 30 students were diagnosed as having non-verbal learning disabilities and 34 students were diagnosed as having verbal learning disabilities. In order to analyize data two-way ANOVA were used. Results showed that student non-verbal learning disabilities scored significantly higher on in self perception than student verbal learning disabilities. However,no significant differences were found on sex of participants . The results of research were discussed, and research limitations and suggestions were presented.


Self -perception, Learning Disabilities, Verbal, Non-verbal

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  • A Comparison of Self Perception of Children with Non-verbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) and Verbal Learning Disabilities (VLD)

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Mohammad Reza Zarbakhsh
Department of Psychology, Tonekabon Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tonekabon, Iran, Islamic Republic of
Homayoon Haroon Rashidi
Department of Psychology, Dezful Branch, Islamic Azad University, Dezful, Iran, Islamic Republic of


The main purpose of this study was to compare self perception of children with non verbal learning disabilities (NLD) and those with verbal learning disabilities (VLD) .The sample of study was selected from a group of students referred to the Learning Disability Center in Shiraz. Two different groups of students with NLD and VLD were selected based on their scores on the Pupil Rating Scale: Screening for learning disabilities (Mykelbust, 1971) and the verbal - performance IQ difference on the (WISC-R). Sixty four students 6 to 11 years old were selected, 30 students were diagnosed as having non-verbal learning disabilities and 34 students were diagnosed as having verbal learning disabilities. In order to analyize data two-way ANOVA were used. Results showed that student non-verbal learning disabilities scored significantly higher on in self perception than student verbal learning disabilities. However,no significant differences were found on sex of participants . The results of research were discussed, and research limitations and suggestions were presented.


Self -perception, Learning Disabilities, Verbal, Non-verbal
