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Entrepreneurial Intention among Polytechnic Students in Nigeria:The Role of Self-Efficacy and Social Networks

1 Department of Psychology , Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, Nigeria

This study was carried out to examine the role of self-efficacy and social networks on entrepreneurial intention among polytechnic students in Ile - Ife Osun state, Nigeria. Theory of Reasoned action was used as a theoretical framework for this study. A survey design was adopted. The data for this study was collected in 2018 via a purposive sampling technique, where 240 students (81 females and 159 males) with age range of 21–35 years (M = 23.61, SD = 2.63) were selected from one polytechnic. Inferential statistics (t-test for independent measure) was used to test the hypotheses in this study. Result showed that there was significant difference between entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic students with low self-efficacy and high self-efficacy. There was significant difference between entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic students with low social network and high social network. Therefore, to improve entrepreneurial intention among polytechnic students, psychologists should organize psycho-educational interventions aim at increasing self-efficacy and social networks of polytechnic students.


Entrepreneurial Intentions, Self-Efficacy, Social Networking, Polytechnic Students.
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  • Entrepreneurial Intention among Polytechnic Students in Nigeria:The Role of Self-Efficacy and Social Networks

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Kehinde A. Ojewumi
Department of Psychology , Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, Nigeria
Damilare A. Fagbenro
Department of Psychology , Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife, Nigeria


This study was carried out to examine the role of self-efficacy and social networks on entrepreneurial intention among polytechnic students in Ile - Ife Osun state, Nigeria. Theory of Reasoned action was used as a theoretical framework for this study. A survey design was adopted. The data for this study was collected in 2018 via a purposive sampling technique, where 240 students (81 females and 159 males) with age range of 21–35 years (M = 23.61, SD = 2.63) were selected from one polytechnic. Inferential statistics (t-test for independent measure) was used to test the hypotheses in this study. Result showed that there was significant difference between entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic students with low self-efficacy and high self-efficacy. There was significant difference between entrepreneurial intention of polytechnic students with low social network and high social network. Therefore, to improve entrepreneurial intention among polytechnic students, psychologists should organize psycho-educational interventions aim at increasing self-efficacy and social networks of polytechnic students.


Entrepreneurial Intentions, Self-Efficacy, Social Networking, Polytechnic Students.
