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Intrapreneurial Dynamics:A Case Research at the Insurance Industry in Portugal

1 Business Research Unit (BRU), ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

This research focusses on the firm endowments; focusing on the impact of an organizational structure and its managerial systems as the intrapreneurial conditions (IC) for constraining and/or leveraging behavioral patterns of intrapreneurial dynamics (ID). With a positivistic stance and deductive approach to theory development, the researcher attempts to test the phenomenon using a single case design with a holistic frame. The intrapreneurial assessment model of Hartman (2006) outlines the IC variables. Online questionnaires directed to the stakeholders of the partaking firm have originated a probabilistic and randomized sample of 9,70% of respondents of the target-population (670 employees). We argue that the firm´s environment has a direct impact on the intrapreneurial behavior at both, managerial and non-managerial levels, since data exhibits an interaction of variables IC-ID with a positive correlation in its mutation patterns. Herein, is not encompassed the subset of ID with ischolar_mains upon corporate entrepreneurship (CE); however, it constitutes a clear gap for further statistical and analytical generalizations. This study illuminates the determinism of the organizational ecosystems on the formation of intrapreneurial ideas and ventures and shaping the new intraprises with regard to Entrepreneurial Employee Activity (EEA).


Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE), Entrepreneurial Employee Activity (EEA), Intrapreneurship, Intrapreneurial Conditions (IC), Intrapreneurial Dynamics (ID), Intraprise.
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  • Intrapreneurial Dynamics:A Case Research at the Insurance Industry in Portugal

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Bruno F. Abrantes
Business Research Unit (BRU), ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal


This research focusses on the firm endowments; focusing on the impact of an organizational structure and its managerial systems as the intrapreneurial conditions (IC) for constraining and/or leveraging behavioral patterns of intrapreneurial dynamics (ID). With a positivistic stance and deductive approach to theory development, the researcher attempts to test the phenomenon using a single case design with a holistic frame. The intrapreneurial assessment model of Hartman (2006) outlines the IC variables. Online questionnaires directed to the stakeholders of the partaking firm have originated a probabilistic and randomized sample of 9,70% of respondents of the target-population (670 employees). We argue that the firm´s environment has a direct impact on the intrapreneurial behavior at both, managerial and non-managerial levels, since data exhibits an interaction of variables IC-ID with a positive correlation in its mutation patterns. Herein, is not encompassed the subset of ID with ischolar_mains upon corporate entrepreneurship (CE); however, it constitutes a clear gap for further statistical and analytical generalizations. This study illuminates the determinism of the organizational ecosystems on the formation of intrapreneurial ideas and ventures and shaping the new intraprises with regard to Entrepreneurial Employee Activity (EEA).


Corporate Entrepreneurship (CE), Entrepreneurial Employee Activity (EEA), Intrapreneurship, Intrapreneurial Conditions (IC), Intrapreneurial Dynamics (ID), Intraprise.
