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The Effect of the Method of Edupreneurship Practice-based Business Center and School Environment on Interest in Entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurial Motivation as a Mediating Variable

1 Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
2 Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto,, Indonesia

Vocational secondary education (SVHS) aims to educate students to work in certain fields, but not a few SVHS graduates contribute to the unemployment rate in Indonesia. The best solution to reduce the high unemployment rate is entrepreneurship. However, student interest in entrepreneurship is still relatively low. This research is quantitative descriptive research with a survey approach that aims to analyze the effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center and school environment on interest in entrepreneurship, with entrepreneurial motivation as a mediating variable. The data collection methods carried out in this study were interviews, closed questionnaires, and documentation. The population in this study were class XI students of State Vocational High School 1 Purbalingga for the 2022/2023 academic year, with a sample of 84 respondents who were determined using purposeful sampling and simple random sampling. At the same time, the data analysis techniques used are instrumental tests, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing. The results of the research and data analysis show that first, there is a positive effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center on students' interest in entrepreneurship; second, there is a positive effect of the school environment on students' interest in entrepreneurship; third, there is a positive effect of the entrepreneurial motivation on students interest in entrepreneurship; fourth, there is a positive effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center on students interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation; and fifth, there is a positive effect of the school environment on students interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation. This research includes recommendations for schools, teachers, and students. This research's contribution and added value are in the form of theoretical and practical benefits.


method of edupreneurship, business center, school environment, entrepreneurial motivation, interest in entrepreneurship.
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  • The Effect of the Method of Edupreneurship Practice-based Business Center and School Environment on Interest in Entrepreneurship with Entrepreneurial Motivation as a Mediating Variable

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Miftahul Janah
Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia
Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto,, Indonesia
Lina Rifda Naufalin
Jenderal Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Indonesia


Vocational secondary education (SVHS) aims to educate students to work in certain fields, but not a few SVHS graduates contribute to the unemployment rate in Indonesia. The best solution to reduce the high unemployment rate is entrepreneurship. However, student interest in entrepreneurship is still relatively low. This research is quantitative descriptive research with a survey approach that aims to analyze the effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center and school environment on interest in entrepreneurship, with entrepreneurial motivation as a mediating variable. The data collection methods carried out in this study were interviews, closed questionnaires, and documentation. The population in this study were class XI students of State Vocational High School 1 Purbalingga for the 2022/2023 academic year, with a sample of 84 respondents who were determined using purposeful sampling and simple random sampling. At the same time, the data analysis techniques used are instrumental tests, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing. The results of the research and data analysis show that first, there is a positive effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center on students' interest in entrepreneurship; second, there is a positive effect of the school environment on students' interest in entrepreneurship; third, there is a positive effect of the entrepreneurial motivation on students interest in entrepreneurship; fourth, there is a positive effect of the method of edupreneurship practice-based business center on students interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation; and fifth, there is a positive effect of the school environment on students interest in entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial motivation. This research includes recommendations for schools, teachers, and students. This research's contribution and added value are in the form of theoretical and practical benefits.


method of edupreneurship, business center, school environment, entrepreneurial motivation, interest in entrepreneurship.
