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Factors Determining the Ability of Rural-Based Universities to Nurture Positive Entrepreneurial Behaviour Among University Students

1 University of Free State, Centre for Gender and Africa Studies, Bloemfontein, South Africa ., India

There is limited knowledge on how to promote the assimilation of positive entrepreneurial behaviour, which undermines start-up venture creation and job opportunities by and for graduates from rural-based universities. Although there is considerable research on the adoption of entrepreneurial behaviour, little has been done so far to enhance an understanding of how various factors influence the abilities of rural-based universities to nurture it. To bridge this gap, this paper uses a bibliometric assessment of the major factors that undermine the assimilation of entrepreneurial behaviour by students in most rural-based universities. Specifically, this study aimed to distill in the literature the constraints that hinder the abilities of ruralbased universities to promote entrepreneurship in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. Purposive and snowball sampling was used to select articles drawn from these geographical areas. Data were analysed using ATLAS.ti software. It was found that various factors largely influence and determine the assimilation of entrepreneurial behaviour. Among these is a) nature of training that institutional curricula provide; b) accessibility of funds and infrastructure; and c) loosely premised cultural orientations. Because of this, there is a need to explore ways to assimilate entrepreneurial behaviour in undergraduate students. We believe the criteria we present for use in assessing the ability of a rural-based university in entrepreneurial education are applicable and valuable in promoting positive entrepreneurial behaviour among students. We hope that this study will be a catalyst for further exploration of interventions that can help in creating an entrepreneurial society.


Entrepreneurial behaviour, promote entrepreneurship, rural-based university, university students
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  • Factors Determining the Ability of Rural-Based Universities to Nurture Positive Entrepreneurial Behaviour Among University Students

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Shadreck Muchaku
University of Free State, Centre for Gender and Africa Studies, Bloemfontein, South Africa ., India
Grey Magaiza
University of Free State, Centre for Gender and Africa Studies, Bloemfontein, South Africa ., India


There is limited knowledge on how to promote the assimilation of positive entrepreneurial behaviour, which undermines start-up venture creation and job opportunities by and for graduates from rural-based universities. Although there is considerable research on the adoption of entrepreneurial behaviour, little has been done so far to enhance an understanding of how various factors influence the abilities of rural-based universities to nurture it. To bridge this gap, this paper uses a bibliometric assessment of the major factors that undermine the assimilation of entrepreneurial behaviour by students in most rural-based universities. Specifically, this study aimed to distill in the literature the constraints that hinder the abilities of ruralbased universities to promote entrepreneurship in Africa, America, Asia, and Europe. Purposive and snowball sampling was used to select articles drawn from these geographical areas. Data were analysed using ATLAS.ti software. It was found that various factors largely influence and determine the assimilation of entrepreneurial behaviour. Among these is a) nature of training that institutional curricula provide; b) accessibility of funds and infrastructure; and c) loosely premised cultural orientations. Because of this, there is a need to explore ways to assimilate entrepreneurial behaviour in undergraduate students. We believe the criteria we present for use in assessing the ability of a rural-based university in entrepreneurial education are applicable and valuable in promoting positive entrepreneurial behaviour among students. We hope that this study will be a catalyst for further exploration of interventions that can help in creating an entrepreneurial society.


Entrepreneurial behaviour, promote entrepreneurship, rural-based university, university students
