Development and Performance Investigation of Solar Concrete Collector at Different Climatic Conditions
The current article discusses the study of the Development and Performance Investigation of a Solar Concrete Collector at Different Climatic Conditions. The solar concrete collector is a modification over conventional solar water heaters. This concrete is mainly made up of sand and cement. The solar concrete collector with an area of 2 m2 has been developed and tested for all three seasons, i.e., rainy, winter, and summer seasons. The inlet water temperatures and outlet water temperatures have been recorded along with corresponding solar intensities for any five successive days in a month. A family of 5–6 peoples requires about 130–150 liters of water daily for bathing and other purposes. So, we have selected a flow rate of 30 liters per hour of water. These observations have been recorded between 12:00 and 16:00PM. Also, hot water temperatures stored in an isolated storage tank are recorded the very next morning. An arrangement consists of K-type thermocouples, a 12-channel temperature indicator, and a pyranometer. Using recorded observations, the performance of a solar concrete collector has been determined.
Solar Concrete Collector, Pyranometer, Solar Intensity, Thermocouple, Temperature Indicator.
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