Tailoring the Properties of Nanocrystalline Tin(II) Selenide Films through Precursor Concentration Modulation
An X-ray diffractometer for structural, a UV-VIS Spectrophotometer for optical, and a unique aluminium sample holder intended to examine the electrical properties of the synthesized SnSe thin films on non-conductive glass substrates in an alkaline medium were used. Light shining through a transparent glass window illuminated the samples to examine their electrical (photoconductivity) properties. The XRD results show that all of the films are orthorhombic crystals. The concentration of the precursor affects microstructural characteristics such as micro strain, crystallite size, and dislocation density. SnSe thin films' optical bandgap is measured using absorbance measurements. Semiconducting properties are confirmed by measuring the electrical conductivity, which reaches its highest value at the optimal precursor concentration. The as-grown SnSe films exhibit tunable photo response properties, which boost the practical application of the films in photovoltaic and solar cells.
Chemical bath deposition, Thin Films, Tin selenide, Precursor, X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD)
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