XPS Analysis of Oxidized Fe Based Alloy Ribbons
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results from a set of experimental grade oxidized, iron based alloys ofvarying compositions, and oxidization levels and having different crystalline phases and structures are compared and correlated. It is shown how their binding energy profile-contours can vary from alloy to alloy for the same elements which are present in different proportions under varying preparation conditions. Such XPS analysis was more successful for cross-checking composition w.r.t. other analytical techniques like Energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDAX) or X-ray fluorescence methods (XRF). Changes in crystallinity, composition, sample preparation conditions, oxidation and related phase changes contributed significantly to observed chemical changes in these alloy samples. In non-electronic grade materials, observing unexpected impurities can be common. So, such XPS analysis helps estimate the likely performance of an alloy and also detects the extent of unwanted impurities at the preparation stage itself that may affect the performance.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Iron based alloy ribbons, Oxidization, Impurities
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