Comprehensive Study of Two Wheeler Road Traffic Accident Deaths in Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh) Region
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Objective: In road traffic accident fatalities, deaths are mainly due to head injuries, especially in case of two wheelers. An attempt is made in this study to make a scientific observation of these motor vehicle accidents with special reference to two wheelers, in the city of Hyderabad. A general reference is made towards the use of helmets in preventing head injuries.
Methodology: A comprehensive study of pattern of injuries sustained by the victims of road traffic accidents involving two-wheeler reported to Osmania General Hospital, Hyderabad during a period of 2010-11.
Results: The total number of autopsies conducted in the year 2010 are 4,636 which constitute roughly about 27.54 % and in the year 2011 are 4,530 which constitutes 28.69 %, RTAs showing a marginal increase of 100 cases per year. Two-wheeler rider fatalities are taken up as they themselves are constituting roughly about 39% in the year 2010 and 41% in the year 2011 of total number of road traffic accidents. Males are more prone to death by RTAs (83.78%) as compare to females (16.21%), making an M: F ratio of 5:1. Incidences of RTA are more in third (24.06%) and fourth decade (18.99%) as compared to both extremes of life.
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