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The Impact of HRM Practices on Organisational Innovation Performance:The Mediating Effects of Employees’ Creativity and Perceived Organisational Support

1 Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
2 Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India

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The paper investigates the effects of HRM practices on organisational innovation performance: the mediating effects of employees' creativity and perceived organisational support in the Indian hospitality industry. A conceptual model is developed to examine the relationship among four constructs namely human resource management practices, perceived organisational support, and employee creativity as antecedents of organisational innovation performance and seven research hypotheses are empirically tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). All the posited seven hypotheses are supported. The results indicate that the human resource management practices and perceived organisational support could indeed affect employee creativity with regard to organisational innovation performance. In addition, the mediating role of employee creativity and perceived organisational support is also confirmed in this research. The study discusses both academic and managerial implications of the results and future research directions are suggested.


Human Resource Management Practices, Organisational Support, Employee Creativity, Organisational Innovation Performance, Hospitality, India.
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  • The Impact of HRM Practices on Organisational Innovation Performance:The Mediating Effects of Employees’ Creativity and Perceived Organisational Support

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Mohinder Chand
Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India
Ankush Ambardar
Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Tourism and Hotel Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Haryana, India


The paper investigates the effects of HRM practices on organisational innovation performance: the mediating effects of employees' creativity and perceived organisational support in the Indian hospitality industry. A conceptual model is developed to examine the relationship among four constructs namely human resource management practices, perceived organisational support, and employee creativity as antecedents of organisational innovation performance and seven research hypotheses are empirically tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). All the posited seven hypotheses are supported. The results indicate that the human resource management practices and perceived organisational support could indeed affect employee creativity with regard to organisational innovation performance. In addition, the mediating role of employee creativity and perceived organisational support is also confirmed in this research. The study discusses both academic and managerial implications of the results and future research directions are suggested.


Human Resource Management Practices, Organisational Support, Employee Creativity, Organisational Innovation Performance, Hospitality, India.
