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Human Resource Management and Performance in the Hospitality Industry: Methodological Issues.

1 Department of Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedoni, 540 06 Thessaloniki., Greece

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The purpose of this paper is to review methodological issues highlighted in the empirical literature in the field of strategic human resource management that may be applied to the hospitality industry, and to propose possible solutions to overcome methodological problems. The paper makes use of a general HRM-performance linkage framework that refers to the 'black box' in strategic human resource management, and is based on the three HRM perspectives (universalistic, contingency, and configurational).


Human Resource Management, Performance, Methodological Issues, Hospitality Industry
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  • Human Resource Management and Performance in the Hospitality Industry: Methodological Issues.

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Anastasia A. Katou
Department of Marketing and Operations Management, University of Macedoni, 540 06 Thessaloniki., Greece


The purpose of this paper is to review methodological issues highlighted in the empirical literature in the field of strategic human resource management that may be applied to the hospitality industry, and to propose possible solutions to overcome methodological problems. The paper makes use of a general HRM-performance linkage framework that refers to the 'black box' in strategic human resource management, and is based on the three HRM perspectives (universalistic, contingency, and configurational).


Human Resource Management, Performance, Methodological Issues, Hospitality Industry
