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Effects of Mindfulness Therapy in Managing Aggression and Conduct Problem of Adolescents with ADHD Symptoms

1 Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India

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The children with ADHD generally carry some symptoms with them as early as preschool age and continuing throughout adolescence and even into adulthood. American Psychiatric Association, DSM V, (2013) described ADHD as "Persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development” and listed it as neurodevelopment disorders rather than under diagnoses usually first made in infancy, childhood, or adolescence. It has been revealed from studies that the children & adolescents diagnosed with ADHD have special academic, social and emotional needs and all this makes the life of ADHD more challengeable. Aggression is a form of behaviour in which one expresses his feelings or emotions in negative ways which harm, hurt or injure self or others. Aggressive behaviour reflects the negative connation in behaviour and is considered as unhealthy or unhelpful behaviour pattern particularly in case of ADHD. Hampel, Manhal, Roos, & Desman, 2008 reported that the youth with ADHD have impaired ability to interpret and manage their emotions and behaviours thus found to manage stressful situations with avoidance and aggression. In the present study the adolescents with ADHD symptoms were diagnosed with Conner's 3 ADHD Rating Scale (2008) and thirty three participants were selected with age ranging between 13 to 16 years. Conduct problems can be understood as the behaviour patterns which are inconsistent with the expected behaviour of that particular developmental period. The conduct problems scores were calculated by SDQ Robert Goodman (1997). The mindfulness therapy was implemented for six months five days a week. It has been observed in the findings that the mindfulness therapy has effectiveness in reducing the aggressive behaviour and conduct problem of adolescents with ADHD.


Mindfulness, ADHD, Conduct Problem, Aggression.
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  • Effects of Mindfulness Therapy in Managing Aggression and Conduct Problem of Adolescents with ADHD Symptoms

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Sandeep Singh
Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India
Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India
Department of Applied Psychology, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology, Hisar, Haryana, India


The children with ADHD generally carry some symptoms with them as early as preschool age and continuing throughout adolescence and even into adulthood. American Psychiatric Association, DSM V, (2013) described ADHD as "Persistent pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development” and listed it as neurodevelopment disorders rather than under diagnoses usually first made in infancy, childhood, or adolescence. It has been revealed from studies that the children & adolescents diagnosed with ADHD have special academic, social and emotional needs and all this makes the life of ADHD more challengeable. Aggression is a form of behaviour in which one expresses his feelings or emotions in negative ways which harm, hurt or injure self or others. Aggressive behaviour reflects the negative connation in behaviour and is considered as unhealthy or unhelpful behaviour pattern particularly in case of ADHD. Hampel, Manhal, Roos, & Desman, 2008 reported that the youth with ADHD have impaired ability to interpret and manage their emotions and behaviours thus found to manage stressful situations with avoidance and aggression. In the present study the adolescents with ADHD symptoms were diagnosed with Conner's 3 ADHD Rating Scale (2008) and thirty three participants were selected with age ranging between 13 to 16 years. Conduct problems can be understood as the behaviour patterns which are inconsistent with the expected behaviour of that particular developmental period. The conduct problems scores were calculated by SDQ Robert Goodman (1997). The mindfulness therapy was implemented for six months five days a week. It has been observed in the findings that the mindfulness therapy has effectiveness in reducing the aggressive behaviour and conduct problem of adolescents with ADHD.


Mindfulness, ADHD, Conduct Problem, Aggression.