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Resilience as Moderator Variable to the Relationship between Burnout and Marital Satisfaction among Workers of Married Couples in Egypt

1 Department of Psychology, Helwan University, Egypt

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The current research aims to investigate the relationship between burnout and marital satisfaction, resilience as moderator variable to the relationship between burnout and marital satisfaction. It also tries to detection the differences between males and females in resilience, burnout and marital satisfaction according to the demographic variables (age number of children - length of marriage- leisure- job satisfaction).The sample consisted of(231) husbands and wives,(106) males and (125) females. Their aged ranged from 25-54 years, with a mean age of 38,61 years and standard deviation 8,42 years for males , and with a mean age of 37,38 years and standard deviation 7,55 years for females. The study used: Data a collection sheet, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (prepared and adapted by researcher after Maslach and Jackson (1988), and Marital Relationship Satisfaction Questionnaire (MRSQ) ( prepared by Huda Abd El hamed (2014), and Resilience scale (RS)(prepared and adapted by Rasha Abd El Sattar (2013) after Wagnild and Young (1993). Statistical analysis showed the following results: their were significant differences between males and females in burnout in favor of males, but in favor of females in marital satisfaction and resilience. There were positive correlation exists between males and female's scores in marital satisfaction and their scores on resilience. There were negative correlation exists between males and female's scores burnout and their scores on resilience and marital satisfaction. there were also differences between males and females according to the demographic variables (age number of children - length of marriage- leisure- job satisfaction). And finally When the effect resilience was partialled out the association between burnout and marital satisfaction slightly decreased in magnitude but still remained significant. Results were discussed in the light of previous researches results and available psychological literature.


Resilience, Moderators Variables, Burnout, Marital Satisfaction.
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  • Resilience as Moderator Variable to the Relationship between Burnout and Marital Satisfaction among Workers of Married Couples in Egypt

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HebaMahmoud Mohammed
Department of Psychology, Helwan University, Egypt


The current research aims to investigate the relationship between burnout and marital satisfaction, resilience as moderator variable to the relationship between burnout and marital satisfaction. It also tries to detection the differences between males and females in resilience, burnout and marital satisfaction according to the demographic variables (age number of children - length of marriage- leisure- job satisfaction).The sample consisted of(231) husbands and wives,(106) males and (125) females. Their aged ranged from 25-54 years, with a mean age of 38,61 years and standard deviation 8,42 years for males , and with a mean age of 37,38 years and standard deviation 7,55 years for females. The study used: Data a collection sheet, Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) (prepared and adapted by researcher after Maslach and Jackson (1988), and Marital Relationship Satisfaction Questionnaire (MRSQ) ( prepared by Huda Abd El hamed (2014), and Resilience scale (RS)(prepared and adapted by Rasha Abd El Sattar (2013) after Wagnild and Young (1993). Statistical analysis showed the following results: their were significant differences between males and females in burnout in favor of males, but in favor of females in marital satisfaction and resilience. There were positive correlation exists between males and female's scores in marital satisfaction and their scores on resilience. There were negative correlation exists between males and female's scores burnout and their scores on resilience and marital satisfaction. there were also differences between males and females according to the demographic variables (age number of children - length of marriage- leisure- job satisfaction). And finally When the effect resilience was partialled out the association between burnout and marital satisfaction slightly decreased in magnitude but still remained significant. Results were discussed in the light of previous researches results and available psychological literature.


Resilience, Moderators Variables, Burnout, Marital Satisfaction.