Emotional Intelligence and Achievement Motivation: a Correlation Study
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While one tells someone that he is a psychologist or he is studying or research in psychology, then a common question is faced by him why in the same family and with the same dimensional aspects and factors, one touches the zenith of success while his counterpart sibling fail in doing so? Then it is usually discussed that the attributional factor is beyond the Intelligence, and that is Achievement Motivation of oneself. An attribute which direct one to a goal in spite of facing all the adversities and negative consequences. Along with this there is one more variable which is, right now, not so much alien to a common as well as to a scholar, and that is Emotional Intelligence. When Martin Seligman introduced this term to the world no one was so aware to the potential of this simple terminology and the functional meaning of this term. In the present study an attempt is made to see the relationship of both the attributes in life of one. And the role in determining the success in future. For this purpose data is consolidated on a sample of 300 young adult students of professional courses of both sexes. And the result and statistical values and its analysis support the hypothesis.
Achievement Motivation, Emotional Intelligence, Intellectual Growth, Goals, Perception.
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