Role of Psychology in Denture Wearers Leading to Microwave Disinfection of Denture
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This article focuses on understanding the role of patients' psychology, personahty and disinfection m denture treatment. The patients who need dentuxes are affected by certampsycho logical aspects andtheyaremore sceptical, demanding and at times a challenge to handle. Jamieson said, "Fitting the personality of the aged patient is often more dififcult than fitting the denture to the mouth. "Patients may be diversely classified but the one common characteristic which is tooth loss which brings about considerable psychological changes m them. Thus their psychological assessment becomes essential as success of the treatment depends on their expectations as well as the self concept. Stress caused by the psychological trauma m old age and to people who suffer from various diseases leads to their low immunity level. The opportunistic fungi colonizes on the dentures due to low immunity and thus to be disinfected. Hence micro wave disinfection is more effective than other conventional procedures like soaking the denture overnight in anti-microbial solutions as it is less time consuming and inexpensive.
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