Life Satisfaction as a Predictor of Death Anxiety among the Elderly People
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Birth and death are part and parcel ofhuman life and death exceptionally approaches all, the new bom, teenager, adult and the elderly alike. The present study examined the possible predictive factor of death anxiety among the selected elderly Filipinos. This study examines the negative relationship between the anxiety of death, and life satisfaction among elderly people with a total of 152 of both sexes, ages between 60-75. Diener's Satisfaction with Life Scale and Templer's Death Anxiety Scale were used to measure the variables. The study showed that the elderly people with high level oflife satisfaction experiences comparatively low level of death anxiety and vice versa. A regression analysis of the data showed that life satisfaction, 37% alone contribute the variance in the death anxiety of elderly people. The present study clearly gave the idea of enhancing life satisfaction can reduce death anxiety among elderly people.
Life Satisfaction, Anxiety of Death, Elderly People.
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