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Characterization of Starch Extracted from Amaranth
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Amaranth, a major pseudo-cereal is rich source of carbohydrate, protein, lipids, dietary fiber and functional components. Starch is its major component and used in many food products to improve their functional and technological properties. In the present investigation starch trom amaranth was evaluated for morphological and functional properties. Average size for starch granules was ranged trom 0.99-1.70pm and indicated very small size of starch granules as compared to other cereal grains. Amaranth starch showed 118.90% water absorption capacity, 0.76 solubility index and 13.07g/g swelling power. High water absorption capacity, solubility index and high swelling power of amaranth starch presented its suitability for wide application in many end use food products.
Starch, Pseudo-Cereal, Food Products.
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