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Cultural Identity and Acculturative Stress:A Systematic Review
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To find out the research status, trom the relevant research literature, on the relationship between acculturative stress and cultural identity, a literature search using J gate, Google Scholar database covering the period trom 2000 to 2016, was conducted. The authors acknowledged 15 studies with certain inclusion criteria. Search terms were cultural identity, acculturative stress and acculturation. After examining different aspect of 15 empirical papers, it was found that there is significant association between acculturative stress and cultural identity. Every dimension of different cultural identity play an important role in determining acculturative stress. So far as number of dimensions is concerned, the researchers are unequivocal. Some of them have identified three dimensions whereas in some other studies five dimensions have also been reported. Almost all researchers are agree that there is a positive relationship between cultural identity and acculturative stress.
Acculturation, Acculturative Stress, Cultural Identity.
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