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Role of Nutritional Rehabilitation Center (NRC) in District Ambedkar Nagar, Uttar Pradesh
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Malnutrition is one of the world's most serious but least- addressed development challenge. Its human and economic costs are enormous, falling hardest on the poor, women and children. The present study was conducted at Nutritional rehabilitation center to know about the response of NRCs against malnutrition. The objective of study was to assess the factors responsible for the malnutrition. Sample of study were based on In-door patient ofNRCs on monthly basis. UNICEF standards were used in study for assessment of malnutrition. SD(>-2SD), MUAC (11.5cm), WFH (from given chart by UNICEF). In the study 77.77% population belongs to BPL category. 6 to 2 years children and girls are more affected by malnutrition. The present study revealed that NRC plays an important role but lack of awareness of population and illiteracy are barrier in nutrition improvement. So, Improvement o f awareness level, Nutritional counseling and sanitation and women Improvement motivation is also important for the development of nutritional status of children. And Nutrition rehabilitation Center play an important role to improve child health as well as mother health.
Malnutrition, Nutritional Status of Children, Nutritional Rehabilitation.
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