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Tobacco Consumption Behavior's Study amongst Individuals in Mumbai
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Tobacco consumption is the notable cause of death among people globally. It is consumed in numerous ways. This study examines prevalence of smoking and tobacco consumption among population in Mumbai. The study observes the elements of tobacco consumption among different age groups. Based on primary data a three-stage observation of survey, the socio-economic characteristics, tobacco consumption habits and respondent's awareness about adverse effects of tobacco use were studied. The study reveals the fact that tobacco consumption is more prevalent among males especially at the 20-30 years age group. Common respondents were aware about the health intimidations due to tobacco intake. One significant factor found in this study was that family members were unaware about their tobacco consumption habit. The respondents generally do not share the malicious habits with the family members and deprive the cumulative efforts of abandoning crooked habit.
Tobacco, Consumption, Ill Effects, Awareness, Mumbai.
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