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Efficacy of Integrated Well-Being Intervention (IWI) for Widows Having Mild to Moderate Depression in Tamil Nadu, India: A Randomized Controlled Trial
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The present study examined the effectiveness of “Integrated W ell-being Intervention “for alleviating depression and enhancing the psychological well-being of widows. It used a “two-group randomized controlled trial” with 40 widows in mild to moderate depression. Beck's Depression Inventory and Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being were used to measure the level of depression and determine their psychological well-being. The intervention was implemented for five weeks and the results showed significant effects on the participants. The results were analyzed using Paired Sample t-test, MANOV A and Cohen's d test indicated the extent of its effect. The study proved that the “Integrated Well-being Intervention (IWI) is an effective intervention tool for increasing psychological well-being and reducing depression among widows in Tamil Nadu, India.
Depression, Psychological Well-Being, Integrated Well-Being Intervention, Widows.
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