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Efficacy of Integrated Well-Being Intervention (IWI) for Widows Having Mild to Moderate Depression in Tamil Nadu, India: A Randomized Controlled Trial

1 Department of Psychology, The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines

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The present study examined the effectiveness of “Integrated W ell-being Intervention “for alleviating depression and enhancing the psychological well-being of widows. It used a “two-group randomized controlled trial” with 40 widows in mild to moderate depression. Beck's Depression Inventory and Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being were used to measure the level of depression and determine their psychological well-being. The intervention was implemented for five weeks and the results showed significant effects on the participants. The results were analyzed using Paired Sample t-test, MANOV A and Cohen's d test indicated the extent of its effect. The study proved that the “Integrated Well-being Intervention (IWI) is an effective intervention tool for increasing psychological well-being and reducing depression among widows in Tamil Nadu, India.


Depression, Psychological Well-Being, Integrated Well-Being Intervention, Widows.
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  • Efficacy of Integrated Well-Being Intervention (IWI) for Widows Having Mild to Moderate Depression in Tamil Nadu, India: A Randomized Controlled Trial

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John Lourdusamy
Department of Psychology, The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines
Sally Caballero
Department of Psychology, The Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines


The present study examined the effectiveness of “Integrated W ell-being Intervention “for alleviating depression and enhancing the psychological well-being of widows. It used a “two-group randomized controlled trial” with 40 widows in mild to moderate depression. Beck's Depression Inventory and Ryff's Scales of Psychological Well-being were used to measure the level of depression and determine their psychological well-being. The intervention was implemented for five weeks and the results showed significant effects on the participants. The results were analyzed using Paired Sample t-test, MANOV A and Cohen's d test indicated the extent of its effect. The study proved that the “Integrated Well-being Intervention (IWI) is an effective intervention tool for increasing psychological well-being and reducing depression among widows in Tamil Nadu, India.


Depression, Psychological Well-Being, Integrated Well-Being Intervention, Widows.
