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Media and Adolescent Body Image: A Qualitative Meta-Analysis
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The aim of this meta-analysis is to understand the prevalence of media influences on the basis of cultural differences and to thematically synthesize studies based on the repertoire of aims with respect to stereotyping in terms of gender and culturally variant audiences, as well as the role of films and advertisements on the lifestyle of individuals, especially in India. This qualitative meta-analysis includes 37 researches, out of which 22 of them are Indian researches to highlight the cultural aspect of the impact of media exposure on adolescent body image. The method used for this qualitative meta-analysis is thematic analysis as the researches were divided into Indian and Non-Indian Researches based on themes such as the prevalence of media influence, media stereotypes and impact of films and advertisement. It has become evident that India is significantly prevalent in popularizing media content in terms of gender stereotypes, and directly linking a clear correlation with body image among both, children and adolescents which not only have proved to influence their identity but also the process of development in other aspects. More researches on media studies pertaining to its prevalence in media exposure and body image concerns involving studies from different parts of the world is also recommended to highlight the cultural aspect and enhance the level of understanding in terms of adolescents' perceptions as well as the socio-cultural influences in the identity formation of the adolescent.
Media Exposure, Adolescent, Media Stereotyping, Films and Advertisements, Body Image.
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