Klinefelter Syndrome: A Review
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Klinefelter syndrome is a rare condition in which one extra X chromosome (XXY) is present in males rather than the normal XY chromosomal pattern. It occurs in 1 in 500-1000 males. It occurs because of some random error during egg formation or sperm production.These types of children are slightly different from normal ones. Individuals with KS have some physical characteristics like tall stature, hypogonadism, gynacomastia, delayed or incomplete puberty, impaired spermatogenesis. KS can also lead to emotional, behavioural, social and other problems at school or college level. Some of the studies revealed that individual with KS have increased risk of language disorder. Parents also have a lot of burden or stress due to their sons' delayed or impaired development.About 1/4th of the total individuals having KS are diagnosed throughout their life span. Lifespan of boys having KS is approximately 2 years less than the normal boys.Diagnosis or Treatment of Klinefelter syndrome should be started at an early age.
Klinfelter Syndrome, XXY, Hypogonadism, Gynacomastia, Chromosome.
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