Trait Mindfulness and its Role with Psychological Inflexibility and Subjective Well-being among Adults: A Correlational Study
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Mindfulness as psychological construct has been studied since long in relation to different variables with different dimensions. Present study investigates the relationship of trait mindfulness with subjective well-being and psychological flexibility. A sample of 200 normal adults drawn from Karnal district were tests on Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) (Baer, Smith, & Hopkins, 2006) has been used to assess domains of trait mindfulness, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire-II by Bond, Hayes, Baer, Carpenter, Guenole, Orcutt, and Zettle (2011) has been used to measure psychological inflexibility and Subjective Well-being Inventory (SWB) was used to assess well-being by Nagpal and Sell (1992). The correlation analysis result revealed significant positive relationship between global mindfulness score and subjective well-being (r = .256, p< 0.01). There are negative correlation of mindfulness and psychological Inflexibility (r = -.136) as well as subjective well-being is negative correlation with psychological Inflexibility (r = -.156, p< 0.05). Hence, it is concluded that mindfulness and psychological inflexibility negatively correlated with each other as well as mindfulness play a positive role for maintaining person's well-being.
psychological flexibility, mindfulness and well-being
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