Relationship between COVID-19 Anxiety, Locus of Control and Psychological Well-being
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In present times, the impact of COVID-19 is not simply biological and social but is also characterized by socioemotional suggestions from various individual and environmental sources as well as experiences. The pandemic has created a general demand for a change of allocation of control in the internal and external factors by ways of affecting the individual's perception, information processing, daily life functioning and attitude towards the personal agency, consequences as well as personal well-being in general. In the context of a surge of mental health challenges due to the pandemic, it is crucial to study how control allocation is associated with the relationship between COVID-19 and well-being. The study aims to explore the relationship among locus of control, COVID-19 anxiety, and psychological well-being along with finding the mean differences in COVID-19 anxiety as well as psychological well-being between the two groups of locus of control. The study is conducted on a young adult sample (N=100) and the relationship among the variables is explored using relevant statistical analysis. The discussion explores the impact of COVID-19 anxiety and locus of control on various domains of psychological well-being. The implication of this study extends that, internal locus of control may be associated with positive psychological well-being and relatively better perceived coping of COVID-19 anxiety.
COVID-19 anxiety, locus of control, psychological well-being
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