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Online Therapy and Its Effectiveness in the Treatment Of Mental Disorders
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The genesis and availability of internet based health services has metamorphosed the healthcare sector. Not only physical healthcare facilities but also mental health care is now accessible through a stable internet connectivity. The services of internet based programs with assistance of certified therapists through virtual reality, electronic mail, video conferencing, chat technology or any of these combinations (as per the demand of the situation) have emerged as a viable option to traditional in-clinic therapy sessions. Online therapy also exists as an additive to traditional face-to-face therapy. Treatments of anxiety and panic disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through online internet based platforms have posted their efficiency to the world at large. The times of COVID-19 further provided new challenges where internet based online therapy witnessed its establishment as the new standardized practice. The treatment of mental disorders via online therapy has been systematically reviewed in this paper.
online therapy, anxiety, panic disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), COVID-19.
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