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The pioneering research of Lovaas (1987) on early intensive intervention for children with autism employed home-based model. The important feature of this programme was that the initial work with the child was delivered in the home. Most of the home-based programmes operate in an ABA and TEACCH framework. Goal of the study is to implement ABA and TEACCH based training for mother of a child with autism and later to implement on the child by the mother and to evaluate the benefits of the training programme for the child. Case history: Master GH, aged 4 year, male had no schooling, hailing from middle socio economic status, came with symptoms of lack of eye contact, aloofness, injuring himself, repetitive motor behaviours, hyperactivity, speech not developed and poor comprehension of both verbal and gestures. The following tests were administered to the child: CARS, VSMS, REELS and Denver Developmental Screening to assess severity of behaviour problems, motor developments, cognitive and social skills of the child. The format of the home based behavioural training for mother consisted of 20 by-weekly sessions for 2 ½ months. Mother was explained about autism, behavioural problems, communication problems and difficulty in socialization. ABA and TEACCH based parental training was implemented, which included managing problem behaviours by explaining reinforcement, extinction, time out and developing new behviours through prompting and shaping. Further, mother was trained in communication skills through verbal and non-verbal modes. In addition socialization techniques were also taught. Mother of the child carried out the home based training for 9 months. Above test were administered again at the completion of the programme by the mother to assess the improvement gained by the child.The home based management carried out by the mother brought out significant improvement in motor skills, daily routine, mild to moderate improvement in behavior problems, improvement in com


Home Based Behavioural Intervention For Autism,aba And Teacch Intervention,evalution of Outcome
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