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The Role of Transformational Leadership in Encouraging Employee Voice:A Jordanian Experience

1 Department of Human Resource Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor–81310, Malaysia

Objective: To provide an understanding of the role of transformational leadership in encouraging employee voice at one of the main Jordanian organizations.

Methods/Statistical Analysis: A cross-sectional design by conducting a questionnaire was collected from 304 non-managerial employees. The study applied the descriptive techniques to demonstrate and categorize the most significant features and structure of the targeted population. Correlation analysis was applied to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership practices and employee voice.

Findings: The results demonstrated that a positive relationship between transformational leadership and its practices on employee voice exists. Transformational leaders have the ability to foster an environment which encourages and embolden employees' expression of ideas and concerns. As for the practical implications, organizations are required to take into consideration investing in transformational leadership training, to reinforce and support such leadership behaviors which contribute to the growth of a robust and energetic organizational environment. Moreover, leaders are a vital component within the itinerary of creating strategies and approaches such as organized feedback, brainstorming sessions, joint consultation, and communication channels to encourage and motivate employees to express their opinions and ideas regarding work-related matters.

Novelty/Improvements: This research paper is considered as one of the first studies to examine transformational leadership role in encouraging employee voice within the context of developing countries. "Every individual opinion matters."


Transformational Leadership, Employee Voice, Communication, Jordan.

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  • The Role of Transformational Leadership in Encouraging Employee Voice:A Jordanian Experience

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Zaid Alfayad
Department of Human Resource Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor–81310, Malaysia
Lily Suriani Mohd Arif
Department of Human Resource Development, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor–81310, Malaysia


Objective: To provide an understanding of the role of transformational leadership in encouraging employee voice at one of the main Jordanian organizations.

Methods/Statistical Analysis: A cross-sectional design by conducting a questionnaire was collected from 304 non-managerial employees. The study applied the descriptive techniques to demonstrate and categorize the most significant features and structure of the targeted population. Correlation analysis was applied to investigate the relationship between transformational leadership practices and employee voice.

Findings: The results demonstrated that a positive relationship between transformational leadership and its practices on employee voice exists. Transformational leaders have the ability to foster an environment which encourages and embolden employees' expression of ideas and concerns. As for the practical implications, organizations are required to take into consideration investing in transformational leadership training, to reinforce and support such leadership behaviors which contribute to the growth of a robust and energetic organizational environment. Moreover, leaders are a vital component within the itinerary of creating strategies and approaches such as organized feedback, brainstorming sessions, joint consultation, and communication channels to encourage and motivate employees to express their opinions and ideas regarding work-related matters.

Novelty/Improvements: This research paper is considered as one of the first studies to examine transformational leadership role in encouraging employee voice within the context of developing countries. "Every individual opinion matters."


Transformational Leadership, Employee Voice, Communication, Jordan.
