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Print v/s Digital Information Resources: A Qualitative Study

1 University Information Resource Centre, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
2 Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra

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The present day libraries and information centre's houses many forms and formats of information resources for fulfilling the information needs of their users. Broadly, if we classify these resources then they fall under the two categories viz. print resources and digital resources. Now, at such a point of time, where both the resources has shown their strong presence in the library collection, it is generally asked, that which information resources have supremacy over the other. A featuristic study regarding their use, has been carried out amongst the users of Delhi university library system (DULS) and the results shows that out of the 12 features studied 6 are in favour of print resources.


Information Resources, Print Resources, E-Resources, Digital Information Resources, Library Resources
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  • N. Chowdappa, M. Chandrashekara and C.P. Ramasesh. Impact of Electronic Information Sources on the Academic Users in Mysore: An Analytical study. SRELS Journal of Information management, vol. 46, pp. 155-162, 2009.
  • Ronald F. Dow. Editorial Gate Keepers: Confronted by the Electronic Journal. College and Research Libraries, vol. 61, p. 146-154, 2000.
  • Shawn V. Lombardo and Cynthia E. Miree. Caught in the Web: The Impact of Library Instruction on Business Student’s Perceptions and Use of Print and Online Resources. College and Research Libraries, vol. 64, pp. 6-22, 2003.

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  • Print v/s Digital Information Resources: A Qualitative Study

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Amit Kumar Deval
University Information Resource Centre, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi
Niranjan Singh
Kendriya Hindi Sansthan, Agra


The present day libraries and information centre's houses many forms and formats of information resources for fulfilling the information needs of their users. Broadly, if we classify these resources then they fall under the two categories viz. print resources and digital resources. Now, at such a point of time, where both the resources has shown their strong presence in the library collection, it is generally asked, that which information resources have supremacy over the other. A featuristic study regarding their use, has been carried out amongst the users of Delhi university library system (DULS) and the results shows that out of the 12 features studied 6 are in favour of print resources.


Information Resources, Print Resources, E-Resources, Digital Information Resources, Library Resources
