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Comparision of Education System in India and Other Countries

1 Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India

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A real education structure helps a country to construct its good nation and that results a sustainable development in the long run. Because, education is well known to all as a back bone of a nation and to make it effective a good education system is very much essential. The objective of the study is to learn about the education systems of India and other Countries, and compare those in terms of their characteristics. This proposed survey based research work is a report of the points and facts due to which the Indian peoples are very much interested to complete their higher education from the abroad. It is very important to understand all these points by our educational policy maker to improve the Indian education system according to the standard of the abroad education so that our people do there higher education from India instead of abroad. These research work analysis and report the comparative analysis of the quality, cost, knowledge and job offers in India and abroad for both Indian studies and abroad studies.


Education, India, Abroad, Studies, Knowledge, Job.
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  • Comparision of Education System in India and Other Countries

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S. Vijayakumari
Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India
S. S. Dhenakaran
Alagappa University, Tamil Nadu, India


A real education structure helps a country to construct its good nation and that results a sustainable development in the long run. Because, education is well known to all as a back bone of a nation and to make it effective a good education system is very much essential. The objective of the study is to learn about the education systems of India and other Countries, and compare those in terms of their characteristics. This proposed survey based research work is a report of the points and facts due to which the Indian peoples are very much interested to complete their higher education from the abroad. It is very important to understand all these points by our educational policy maker to improve the Indian education system according to the standard of the abroad education so that our people do there higher education from India instead of abroad. These research work analysis and report the comparative analysis of the quality, cost, knowledge and job offers in India and abroad for both Indian studies and abroad studies.


Education, India, Abroad, Studies, Knowledge, Job.
