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Find_S Algorithm: To Detect Node Behaviour in Ad Hoc Network

1 Assistant Professor, Department of IS&E, Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India

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As humans have different behaviour good and bad. Some of the behaviour the human has kind, selfish, cooperative, uncooperative, gentle, soft hearted, back biting, jealous etc. Similarly, nodes in the Ad Hoc network have different behaviour like selfish nodes, regular nodes, malicious nodes etc. Transferring the information from the source node to the destination node via intermediate nodes is done using different routing algorithms. Routing algorithms find out the optimal path to reach the destination. They fail to identify the behaviour of the nodes when transferring the information. Identification of the nodes whether they are good or bad is a difficult task. In this paper different dataset having different behaviour are collected. Find_S algorithm is used to analyze the dataset and give the correct hypothesis as output. The hypothesis consists of different attributes like nature of the agent, energy level, type of agent, and finally, is the decision of the node.


Dataset, Find_S Algorithm, Node Behaviour, Regular Node, Selfish Node
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  • Find_S Algorithm: To Detect Node Behaviour in Ad Hoc Network

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Samara Mubeen
Assistant Professor, Department of IS&E, Jawaharlal Nehru National College of Engineering, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India


As humans have different behaviour good and bad. Some of the behaviour the human has kind, selfish, cooperative, uncooperative, gentle, soft hearted, back biting, jealous etc. Similarly, nodes in the Ad Hoc network have different behaviour like selfish nodes, regular nodes, malicious nodes etc. Transferring the information from the source node to the destination node via intermediate nodes is done using different routing algorithms. Routing algorithms find out the optimal path to reach the destination. They fail to identify the behaviour of the nodes when transferring the information. Identification of the nodes whether they are good or bad is a difficult task. In this paper different dataset having different behaviour are collected. Find_S algorithm is used to analyze the dataset and give the correct hypothesis as output. The hypothesis consists of different attributes like nature of the agent, energy level, type of agent, and finally, is the decision of the node.


Dataset, Find_S Algorithm, Node Behaviour, Regular Node, Selfish Node
