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The Knowledge Benchmarking Process Framework:A New Basis to Analyse Megaproject Challenges and Practices

1 Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada
2 Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering, Ecole De Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Canada
3 Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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Megaprojects face many pathologies and challenges to provide the attended impacts. These pathologies contribute to overshadow the results and outcomes needed by those who promote these kind of projects. So, we need to understand and assess properly the dynamics related to megaprojects. To overcome this situation, we present a new way to analyse megaprojects based on a knowledge benchmarking process framework.


Megaprojects, Communities of Practice, Benchmarking, Knowledge Management.
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  • The Knowledge Benchmarking Process Framework:A New Basis to Analyse Megaproject Challenges and Practices

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Patrick Mbassegue
Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada
Mickael Gardoni
Department of Automated Manufacturing Engineering, Ecole De Technologie Superieure, Montreal, Canada
Zain Tahboub
Dubai Aviation Engineering Projects, Dubai, United Arab Emirates


Megaprojects face many pathologies and challenges to provide the attended impacts. These pathologies contribute to overshadow the results and outcomes needed by those who promote these kind of projects. So, we need to understand and assess properly the dynamics related to megaprojects. To overcome this situation, we present a new way to analyse megaprojects based on a knowledge benchmarking process framework.


Megaprojects, Communities of Practice, Benchmarking, Knowledge Management.
