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Tacit Knowledge in the Algerian Industrial SMES:Elements of Location and Capital to Mobilize for Innovation

1 Lab Innovation Management and Marketing, University of Djilali Lyabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria

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With the emergence of the evolutionary approach, tacit knowledge gained greater significance as a new internal resource of competitiveness of companies. This paper, through the research undertaken on industrial SME in Algeria, attempts to highlight the continuous loss of knowledge capital. Thus, it exposes the three elements on which tacit knowledge has been developed: professional experience, learning through practice and routines. It also suggests the need for adopting a new model of growth likely to exploit remaining tacit knowledge accumulated over the last years to adapt with the oil revenue issues in which the Algerian industrial SME is encrusted.


Algerian Industrial SME, Tacit Knowledge, Professional Experience, Learning through Practice, Routines.
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  • (Footnotes)
  • ISMME : Steelmaking Industry, Metallurgical Industry, Mechanical and Electrical Industry.

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  • Tacit Knowledge in the Algerian Industrial SMES:Elements of Location and Capital to Mobilize for Innovation

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Aimad Datoussaid
Lab Innovation Management and Marketing, University of Djilali Lyabes, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria


With the emergence of the evolutionary approach, tacit knowledge gained greater significance as a new internal resource of competitiveness of companies. This paper, through the research undertaken on industrial SME in Algeria, attempts to highlight the continuous loss of knowledge capital. Thus, it exposes the three elements on which tacit knowledge has been developed: professional experience, learning through practice and routines. It also suggests the need for adopting a new model of growth likely to exploit remaining tacit knowledge accumulated over the last years to adapt with the oil revenue issues in which the Algerian industrial SME is encrusted.


Algerian Industrial SME, Tacit Knowledge, Professional Experience, Learning through Practice, Routines.
