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The Role of Learning Assessment Strategies On Effective Knowledge Sharing Among Undergraduate Students In Selected Chartered Private Universities In Kenya
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Knowledge sharing among peers plays an important role in students’ learning process, since they are able to gain more insights into and an understanding of concepts or practical applications, thereby improving learning and expertise. Unfortunately, the learning culture that is expected to influence knowledge sharing could be hampered by the educational emphasis on academic performance that triggers competition, resulting in poor knowledge sharing among the students. The rationale of this study was further reinforced by the fact that despite knowledge sharing gaining increasing attention in the organisational context, very few literature have actually focused on students, who are perceived to be the future backbone. To this end, the purpose of the study was to empirically investigate and examine the role of learning assessment strategies on effective knowledge sharing among the undergraduate students in chartered private universities in Kenya. Using stratified random sampling approach, a cross-sectional survey was used as a methodology for data collection by stratifying the population in terms of faculty membership, postgraduates, or undergraduates to ensure accurate representation. The sampling frame for this study was 375 undergraduate students pursuing similar courses, selected to represent the total population within the 4 highly ranked preferred private universities in Kenya, namely Strathmore University (78%), Daystar University (57%), Catholic University (49%), and United States International University (45%). The considerations of the relationships between independent variables and the dependent variable were sought. A questionnaire was used to gather relevant information from the respondents. The data collected was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. Linear regression curves were developed and these revealed positive correlations between all the independent variables and the dependent variable. The study established that there was a positive influence on knowledge sharing in the chartered private universities in Kenya, attributed to units of change for all the independent (learning culture) variables. In conclusion, bivariate Pearson correlation of the two variables were computed, and the findings revealed that there was a statistically significant linear relationship between LAS and EKS (r = .513, p < .001). A linear regression established that there was a strong positive relationship between learning assessment strategies and effective knowledge sharing among undergraduate students in the chartered private universities. Using ANOVA, results suggested that learning assessment strategies played a role in predicting effective knowledge sharing. The study recommends that: (i) the management of private universities need to think about alternative assessment methods to reduce direct competition among students; (ii) there is need for the educators and education planners to take appropriate measures to minimise such barriers to knowledge sharing, which in turn are likely to strengthen students’ beliefs on the value of knowledge sharing; (iii) there is need to ensure the existence of knowledge sharing culture within the university environment; and (iv) given the advantages of knowledge sharing, it is thus desirable that academic institutions should consider changing their approaches in teaching to place extra emphasis on encouraging collaborative teaching and learning. Lastly, the findings of this study were useful not only for adding to the literature, but to the policy makers of such institutions, as well as curriculum designers and education planners, to consider appropriate measures for integrating knowledge sharing activities in the pedagogy.
Learning Culture, Learning Assessment Strategies, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Management, Knowledge Sharing
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