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ICT Integration in Schools: The Invincible Role of School Leadership
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With the advent of a new philosophy towards ICT and its role in education, a wide body of research has developed investigating the role of ICT and its effect in developing an interactive education environment. However it is yet to be ascertained how teachers from different schools across the state of Kerala have reacted to this paradigm shift from traditional pedagogical methods to adoption of ICT in Teaching and Learning process. It is also vital to understand the difference in trends across Private v/s Government schools. This study reveals stark differences in the implementation pattern with private schools leading with better infrastructural support and teacher readiness. School leadership is one of the major factors which have emerged as reasons for better ICT implementation in schools. This study tries to provide an understanding of the issues surrounding Technology acceptance by Teachers of government, aided and private higher secondary schools. This paper investigates the ground realities of ICT usage by school teachers for teaching and learning purposes and their perception on technology adoption. The paper also investigates the availability of basic ICT infrastructure facilities in different schools.
ICT, Teaching and Learning Process, Technology Acceptance, School Leadership.
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