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Leading to the Success: Assessing the Impact of Leadership Skill of Project Managers on Success of a Software Project

1 Galgotias Business School, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
2 ValueLabs, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

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Software projects are getting complex and dynamic in the current global scenario and consequently understanding the factors which affect the success of such complex projects becomes critical. The impact of leadership styles of the project managers on the success of the software projects is considered for this study. This study compares the differences in the impact generated by task-oriented leadership, relationoriented leadership, change-oriented leadership, and boundary-spanning leadership on the success of the software project. ANOVA was applied to compare the difference among the four leadership styles exhibited by project manager in bringing success to the software project. The result of the study shows that Task Behaviours, Relation Behaviours, Change Behaviours, and Boundary-spanning Behaviours aspects of leadership exhibited by project manager are significantly different from each other. The mean of relationship behaviour is significantly different from that of other three-task behaviour, change behaviour, and boundary spanning behaviour; the mean of task behaviour is significantly different from that of change and boundary spanning behaviours and the mean of change and boundary spanning behaviour is not significantly different from each other. The data were collected from 150 respondents; the size of data can be increased for better result. Thus the result of the study emphasizes the use of people skill by the project manager.


Software Project Success, Leadership Quality, Task Behaviours, Relation Behaviours, Change Behaviours, Boundary-Spanning Behaviours.
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  • Leading to the Success: Assessing the Impact of Leadership Skill of Project Managers on Success of a Software Project

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Nidhi S. Natrajan
Galgotias Business School, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
Tuhin Chattopadhyay
ValueLabs, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India


Software projects are getting complex and dynamic in the current global scenario and consequently understanding the factors which affect the success of such complex projects becomes critical. The impact of leadership styles of the project managers on the success of the software projects is considered for this study. This study compares the differences in the impact generated by task-oriented leadership, relationoriented leadership, change-oriented leadership, and boundary-spanning leadership on the success of the software project. ANOVA was applied to compare the difference among the four leadership styles exhibited by project manager in bringing success to the software project. The result of the study shows that Task Behaviours, Relation Behaviours, Change Behaviours, and Boundary-spanning Behaviours aspects of leadership exhibited by project manager are significantly different from each other. The mean of relationship behaviour is significantly different from that of other three-task behaviour, change behaviour, and boundary spanning behaviour; the mean of task behaviour is significantly different from that of change and boundary spanning behaviours and the mean of change and boundary spanning behaviour is not significantly different from each other. The data were collected from 150 respondents; the size of data can be increased for better result. Thus the result of the study emphasizes the use of people skill by the project manager.


Software Project Success, Leadership Quality, Task Behaviours, Relation Behaviours, Change Behaviours, Boundary-Spanning Behaviours.
