Strategies for Designing Corporate Leadership: Developing Indian Culture and Values
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The Action By objective (ABO) approach in management with all its ethical notes and valueorientation, seeks the organisations grow in an environment which could be conductive for the Indian Management Philosophy. ABO, on the other hand, with all its components such as Self-Management Teams (SMTs), ABO plans, treatment programmes etc., has its global aspect as well as this theory is able to contribute to three major strategic factors that are essentially required for a competitive world: creation of 'Critical Capabilities', fostering of 'Core Competence', and building up of 'Knowledge Creation'.
There is a need for two elements- explicit knowledge and tacit knowledge for building up of knowledge. Explicit knowledge deals usually with manuals and procedural. Tacit knowledge, on the other hand, is learnt only through experience and communicated individually with the use of metaphor and analogy. In essence, tacit knowledge can be compared to a craftsman who, after years of experience, has a wealth of expertise at his fingertips. Explicit knowledge can be processed by a computer or stored in a database.
It is observed that for building the above mentioned three strategic 'resources' or competences, ABO model fits well. In the today's dynamic milieu as its ethical approach along with all the rational and appropriate components aims at effective operation under the able leadership with clear vision, which is having the skill of team building for required maturity.
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