Husband's Role Related To Wife's Antenatal Care
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Husband’s involvement is essential in overcoming the problem of being late in recognizing signs of danger, making decisions and reaching health care facilities, as well as getting help from health services. Therefore, husband’s involvement facilitates the preparation of labor and seeks for emergency care if needed. Regularcheck-ups during pregnancyare crucial for detecting risks, so that health experts can carry out antenatal care, prevent complications during pregnancy, so that health experts in health facilities can help and conduct referrals as well as early treatment if obstetric complications occur at the referral site.This study is to analyze the relationship between husband's role and antenatal care. This research is an observational analytic research. This research used cross sectional approach. The data was obtained through interview using questionnaires. The analysis were descriptive and chi-square. Results indicate that the majority of husband and wife respondents are in reproductive age, working husbands, housewives, low education, and there is no relationship between husband's role and antenatal care. Provision of information tohusband and family needs to be constantly improved take care ofmother and baby health.
Husband's Role, Antenatal Care, Maternalhealth, Husband's Involvement.
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