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Implant Materials Used for Orbital Floor Reconstruction

1 Assistant Lecturer of ophthalmology, Minia University, Ophthalmology Department, Minia University Hospital, Korneesh El Nile Street, Minia 61111, Egypt
2 Associate Professor, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
3 Professor, Ophthalmology Department, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
4 Professor, Cairo University, Ophthalmology Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt

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Purpose: To review different available implant materials used for orbital floor reconstruction regarding their indications, advantages and disadvantages. Summary: Review of literature revealed the presence of a wide variety of implant options for repair of orbital floor defects. They can be broadly classified into biological materials, metals and polymers which are further divided into resorbables and non resorbables. The choice could be based on an algorithm for the defect size, the anatomical location, or the remaining structural support. Small defects may heal solely by the formation of scar tissue, whereas larger defects, especially those associated with enophthalmos, need material of a sufficient strength to support the orbital contents.


Blow‑out fractures, Titanium, resorbable polymers
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  • Implant Materials Used for Orbital Floor Reconstruction

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Mohamed Esmail Khalil
Assistant Lecturer of ophthalmology, Minia University, Ophthalmology Department, Minia University Hospital, Korneesh El Nile Street, Minia 61111, Egypt
Mohamed Farag Khalil
Associate Professor, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Raafat Mohyeldeen Abdelrahman
Associate Professor, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Ahmed Mohamed Kamal Elshafei
Professor, Ophthalmology Department, Minia University, Minia, Egypt
Tamer Ismail Gawdat
Professor, Cairo University, Ophthalmology Department, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt


Purpose: To review different available implant materials used for orbital floor reconstruction regarding their indications, advantages and disadvantages. Summary: Review of literature revealed the presence of a wide variety of implant options for repair of orbital floor defects. They can be broadly classified into biological materials, metals and polymers which are further divided into resorbables and non resorbables. The choice could be based on an algorithm for the defect size, the anatomical location, or the remaining structural support. Small defects may heal solely by the formation of scar tissue, whereas larger defects, especially those associated with enophthalmos, need material of a sufficient strength to support the orbital contents.


Blow‑out fractures, Titanium, resorbable polymers