The Effect of Employment Time with the Low Back Pain Disorders on Workers in the ‘X’ Carpet Fitting Work Unit Pasuruan
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Research Background: Low Back Pain is a musculoskeletal disorder in the lower back area that many complained of patients who visited the doctor. The exact incidence of low back pain in Indonesia varies from 7.6% to 37%. The problem of low back pain on workers is generally influenced by the period of work.
Research Objectives: To know the influence of the working period on the low back pain of the employees in the sewing unit of the ‘X’ carpet factory Pandaan subdistrict, Pasuruan district.
Research Methodology: The research design used in this research is observational analytic with the cross-sectional approach with a big sample of 30 respondents that is patient of low back pain disorder. Data analysis using simple linear regression statistic test α = 0,05. Findings: From the result of the significance test of the regression equation got result p ≤ 0,05 so H0 rejected. Thus the regression line equation formed by the function of the effect of the working period with the occurrence of low back pain is significant. In simple linear regression test statistic test the value (p = 0,000), value (R = 0.847).
Discussion: There is significant influence between the working period with low back pain complaints to workers in the sewing unit of ‘X’ carpet factory Pandaan subdistrict, Pasuruan district.