The Effect of Specific Training on Selected Physiological Variable among Kabaddi Players
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Context: The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of specific training on selected physilogicalvariable among school boys kabaddi players from government higher secondary school koomapatti..The age of the subjects ranged from 15to18 years. The selected subjects n=30 were divided into one experimental group and one control group at random. The investigator selected a training that is specific training for kabaddi players which improved certain selected physiological fitness variables namely Resting Heart Rate. As the result of field training the physical fitness level of the kabaddi would improve. The experimental group endured the training activities for 6 weeks with a schedule of six days whereas the control group remained with no activities. The data procured in prior and after the training programme was examined. To find out difference between experimental and control group of Resting Heart Rate t-ratio was employed and the level of significance was set at 0.05. The results of the study showed that the Resting Heart Rate of the experimental group was significantly improved than the control group.
Specific Training, Resting Heart Rate, Kabaddi, Experimental Group, Control Group.
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