Psychososial Experience of Diabetes Melitus Patients While Experiencing the Diabetes Feet Ulcer in Rumah Perawatan Luka Ubalan Pamotan Village Dampit Subdistrict Malang Regency
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Introduction:This study reveals the psychosocial experience of diabetic mellitus patients with diabetic foot ulcers while undergoing treatment at Rumah Perawatan Luka Ubalan (Ubalan Ulcer Nursing Home).
Objective:Exploring the meaning of psychosocial experiences of diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic foot ulcers during treatment.
Method:Qualitative research uses phenomenological interpretive approach and is analyzed using IPA (Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis).
Findings:This study found 3 major themes: fear of facing death, loss of opportunity to interact socially with others, feeling insecure about the physical appearance of the disease.
Conclusion:Perceptions and psychosocial responses in diabetic foot ulcer patients have an impact on the life of social interactions.