Somatic Manifestations of Depression in Patients of Nineva Province
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Objective:To understand the somatic manifestations in patients with depression in Mosul area.
Method:In this study 234 patients with depression attending a civil psychiatric clinic in Mosul City in the period between 22nd of January 2017 to 22nd of November 2018 diagnosed according to the Diagnostic and Statistical manual of the American Psychiatric Association VIR (DSMVIR) as depression were examined for somatic manifestations, and any other medical disorders.
Results:Joints and muscles pain was the most common feature in the depressed patients, it was found in (52.1%) of the patients. Headache was the next common, (51%), followed by abdominal discomfort which was found in (47.8%) and chest pain in (44.4%), then the generalized weakness in (22.5%). Menstrual dysfunction was found in (33.8% of female patients) and sexual dysfunctions were found in (28.2% of male patients).
The higher incidence among females is due to the social roles of gender, the lower educational levels among females, and probably to avoid the stigma.
Conclusion:Identifying somatic manifestations among depressed patient is important in diagnosis, planning a successful management and in prognosis.