A Study on Risk Factors of Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus - a Case Control Study
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Background: According to WHO estimates, India will be the global capital of Diabetes by 2030, accounting for about 79.4 million diabetics. Type 2 DM is one of the most common health problems in India. It is caused by the interaction of multiple risk factors, which may be constitutional, behavioral or environmental factors. Identification of these risk factors is important in order to prevent or postpone the development of the disease.
Objectives: To identify the risk factors of type 2 DM and to study the association of risk factors and the strength of the association with the occurrence of type 2 DM. Methods: Cross-sectional, hospital based case-control study conducted at Chigateri General Hospital and Bapuji Hospital, both teaching hospitals of J.J.M. Medical College, Davangere, Karnataka. Study was carried out from November 2010 to October 2011.
Results: This study comprises of 406 cases and 406 controls. Positive family history (OR-1.6), alcohol intake (OR-1.5), decreased physical activity (OR-2.8), lack of exercise (OR-1.7) and obesity (OR-2.5) were identified as independent risk factors for type 2 DM. By multivariate analysis all the above factors were found to be significant with p values 0.02, 0.07, 0.00, 0.00 and 0.00 respectively.
Conclusion: Type 2 DM can be prevented or postponed by early detection of risk factors and modifications in life style and behavioral patterns.
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