A Hospital Based Cross Sectional Study to Assess Knowledge Regarding Lymphatic Filariasis & Mass Drug Administration
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Background: Lymphatic filariasis is a major tropical disease resulting in grossly swollen limbs and genitalia. Mass drug administration (MDA) is an effective tool for elimination of lymphatic filariasis.
Aims & Objectives: To assess the knowledge of lymphatic filariasis and MDA among the guardians/ attendants accompanying the paediatric patients in a private medical college.
Materials & method: Respondents were interviewed with a pre tested questionnaire from 1st July 2009 to 30th August 2009. A total of 276 guardians were selected by convenient sampling method.
Results: 270( 98%) respondents had heard of filariasis , only 39( 14%) knew the mode of transmission. Drugs during MDA were received by 204( 73%) of respondents and consumed by 99(48%) of recipient. Only 120(43%) of respondents knew that lymphatic filariasis can be controlled by MDA.
Conclusion: knowledge regarding lymphatic filariasis and role of MDA in its elimination is poor in this study.
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